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Setting and hardening of cement involves (a) hydrolysis and neutralization (b)hydration and neutralization (c) hydration and hydrolysis (d) dehydration and hydrolysis. The synthesis of which of the following polymers require the loss of water molecules on a regular basis? (a) Polythene (b) Buna-N (c) Nylon-6,6 (d) Buna-S The chemical added to detect leakage from LPG cylinder is (a) TEL (b) iso-octane

Ask by Page Peters. in India
Jan 22,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


1. **Setting and Hardening of Cement:** - **Answer:** Hydration and Hydrolysis 2. **Polymer Synthesis Requiring Loss of Water Molecules:** - **Answer:** Nylon-6,6 3. **Chemical Added to Detect LPG Cylinder Leaks:** - **Answer:** TEL


Certainly! Let's address each of your multiple-choice questions one by one: --- ### **1. Setting and Hardening of Cement** **Question:** Setting and hardening of cement involves: - **(a)** Hydrolysis and Neutralization - **(b)** Hydration and Neutralization - **(c)** Hydration and Hydrolysis - **(d)** Dehydration and Hydrolysis **Answer:** **(c) Hydration and Hydrolysis** **Explanation:** The setting and hardening of cement primarily involve **hydration**, which is the chemical reaction between cement and water leading to the formation of various hydration products that give cement its strength. **Hydrolysis** also plays a role in breaking down some of the minerals in cement, contributing to the hardening process. --- ### **2. Polymer Synthesis Requiring Loss of Water Molecules** **Question:** The synthesis of which of the following polymers requires the loss of water molecules on a regular basis? - **(a)** Polythene - **(b)** Buna-N - **(c)** Nylon-6,6 - **(d)** Buna-S **Answer:** **(c) Nylon-6,6** **Explanation:** **Nylon-6,6** is synthesized through a condensation polymerization process, which involves the loss of water molecules as by-products during the formation of amide bonds between monomers. This characteristic distinguishes it from polymers like Polythene, Buna-N, and Buna-S, which are typically formed through addition polymerization without the elimination of small molecules like water. --- ### **3. Chemical Added to Detect Leakage from LPG Cylinder** **Question:** The chemical added to detect leakage from LPG cylinders is: - **(a)** TEL - **(b)** Iso-octane **Answer:** **(a) TEL (Tetraethyl Lead)** **Explanation:** **TEL (Tetraethyl Lead)** is traditionally used as an additive to detect gas leaks due to its strong odor, which makes it easier to identify leaks. While TEL has largely been phased out in many applications due to environmental and health concerns, in the context of the given options, TEL is the more appropriate choice for leak detection compared to Iso-octane. --- **Note:** It's important to highlight that in modern applications, other odorants like **ethyl mercaptan** are commonly used for leak detection in LPG cylinders instead of TEL, which is toxic and has significant environmental impacts. --- I hope this clarifies your queries! If you have any more questions or need further explanations, feel free to ask.

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Beyond the Answer

When it comes to cement, the magic happens mainly during hydration, where water reacts with the cement particles, leading to the hardening process. This simple yet powerful reaction forms strong bonds, transforming a viscous mix into a solid that can withstand the test of time. It's like turning a muddy puddle into a sturdy sidewalk that we all love to walk on! As for the world of polymers, Nylon-6,6 undergoes a condensation reaction that requires the loss of water molecules, effectively forming strong amide bonds between its repeating units. Imagine crafting a rope from strings, where every time you tie a knot, you let go of a little water—this is what gives Nylon its tenacity and resilience in everything from clothing to industrial applications!

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