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EM Radiation The eletromagnetic (EM) spectrum indueles, amongst others, radio watles, uttraviolete IIght, gamma rolys and x-rags Dust 2 properties of E.MI waves 2) Arrange the above u waves in order of deereasing wavelength

Ask by Barker Curry. in South Africa
Feb 23,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Radio waves have the longest wavelengths, followed by ultraviolet light, then X-rays, and finally gamma rays, which have the shortest wavelengths.


To solve the problem, we need to identify the properties of electromagnetic (EM) waves and arrange the specified types of waves in order of decreasing wavelength. ### Known Conditions: 1. Types of EM waves mentioned: - Radio waves - Ultraviolet light - Gamma rays - X-rays ### Step 1: Properties of EM Waves Electromagnetic waves have the following properties: - They travel at the speed of light in a vacuum. - They exhibit wave-particle duality. - They can be characterized by their wavelength (λ) and frequency (f), which are inversely related (i.e., \( c = f \cdot \lambda \), where \( c \) is the speed of light). ### Step 2: Arrange the Waves by Wavelength The order of EM waves from longest wavelength to shortest wavelength is as follows: 1. **Radio waves**: These have the longest wavelengths, ranging from about 1 millimeter to thousands of kilometers. 2. **Ultraviolet light**: These have shorter wavelengths than radio waves, typically ranging from about 10 nanometers to 400 nanometers. 3. **X-rays**: These have even shorter wavelengths, ranging from about 0.01 nanometers to 10 nanometers. 4. **Gamma rays**: These have the shortest wavelengths, typically less than 0.01 nanometers. ### Final Arrangement Thus, the arrangement of the specified EM waves in order of decreasing wavelength is: 1. Radio waves 2. Ultraviolet light 3. X-rays 4. Gamma rays This order reflects the decreasing wavelength from longest to shortest.

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The Deep Dive

Electromagnetic (EM) waves are fascinating because they all travel at the speed of light in a vacuum, around 299,792 kilometers per second! This characteristic unites them, regardless of wavelength or frequency differences. Additionally, EM waves can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like properties, which play a crucial role in technologies such as lasers and photodetectors. When you arrange the EM waves in order of decreasing wavelength, it goes: radio waves (longest wavelength), microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays, and finally, gamma rays (shortest wavelength). The vast range of wavelengths allows for a variety of applications, from communication to medical imaging!

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