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\( \frac { x - a } { b + c } + \frac { x - b } { a + c } + \frac { x - c } { a + b } = 3 \)

Ask by Klein Warner. in Ecuador
Feb 25,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


La solución es \( x = a + b + c \).


Para resolver la ecuación   (x – a)/(b + c) + (x – b)/(a + c) + (x – c)/(a + b) = 3 podemos verificar de forma directa si existe un valor sencillo de x que la satifeche. Notamos que la expresión es simétrica respecto a a, b y c, lo que sugiere probar con   x = a + b + c. Sustituyendo x = a + b + c en cada uno de los términos obtenemos:  1ª término: [(a + b + c) – a] / (b + c) = (b + c) / (b + c) = 1  2º término: [(a + b + c) – b] / (a + c) = (a + c) / (a + c) = 1  3º término: [(a + b + c) – c] / (a + b) = (a + b) / (a + b) = 1 Al sumarlos se tiene:  1 + 1 + 1 = 3. Como la ecuación es lineal en x (si consideramos los denominadores como constantes, suponiendo que (a + b), (a + c) y (b + c) son distintos de cero), la solución es única. Así, se concluye que:  x = a + b + c es la solución de la ecuación.

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Beyond the Answer

Let's expand this equation step-by-step! If we set \( S = \frac { x - a } { b + c } + \frac { x - b } { a + c } + \frac { x - c } { a + b } \), we can multiply through by the denominators to eliminate them, leading us to a more manageable expression. Focusing on the left-hand side, we can rearrange it into a single fraction. Each term can be unified with a common denominator \( (b+c)(a+c)(a+b) \). On simplifying, we will group the terms involving \( x \) together and separate constant terms involving \( a, b, c \). Ultimately, you can solve for \( x \) which provides insight into how \( x \) relates to the parameters \( a, b, \) and \( c \). Want to know more about specific values you can assign to \( a, b, \) and \( c \) for your equation?

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