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conversions. 1. \( 2 \mathrm{~d}= \) \( \qquad \) h 2. \( 3 \mathrm{~min}= \) \( \qquad \) sec 3. \( 49 \mathrm{~d}= \) \( \qquad \) wk 4. \( 120 \mathrm{sec}= \) \( \qquad \) min 5. \( 6 w k= \) \( \qquad \) d 6. \( 4 h= \) \( \qquad \) min 7. 1 century \( = \) \( \qquad \) decac 8. \( 5 \mathrm{~min}= \) \( \qquad \) sec 9. \( 2 \frac{1}{2} y r= \) \( \qquad \) mo 10. \( 130 \mathrm{yr}= \) \( \qquad \) decades 11. \( 1 \mathrm{yr}= \) \( \qquad \) d 12. \( 52 \mathrm{wk}= \) \( \qquad \) yr

Ask by King Zimmerman. in South Africa
Feb 18,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Here are the conversions: 1. 2 days = 48 hours 2. 3 minutes = 180 seconds 3. 49 days = 7 weeks 4. 120 seconds = 2 minutes 5. 6 weeks = 42 days 6. 4 hours = 240 minutes 7. 1 century = 10 decades 8. 5 minutes = 300 seconds 9. 2.5 years = 30 months 10. 130 years = 13 decades 11. 1 year = 365 days 12. 52 weeks = 1 year


Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(\frac{52}{52}\) - step1: Divide the terms: \(1\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 49/7 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(\frac{49}{7}\) - step1: Reduce the numbers: \(\frac{7}{1}\) - step2: Calculate: \(7\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 4*60 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(4\times 60\) - step1: Multiply the numbers: \(240\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 2.5*12 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(2.5\times 12\) - step1: Multiply the numbers: \(30\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 1*10 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(1\times 10\) - step1: Calculate: \(10\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 5*60 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(5\times 60\) - step1: Multiply the numbers: \(300\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 130/10 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(\frac{130}{10}\) - step1: Reduce the numbers: \(\frac{13}{1}\) - step2: Calculate: \(13\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 1*365 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(1\times 365\) - step1: Calculate: \(365\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 2*24 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(2\times 24\) - step1: Multiply the numbers: \(48\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 3*60 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(3\times 60\) - step1: Multiply the numbers: \(180\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 6*7 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(6\times 7\) - step1: Multiply the numbers: \(42\) Calculate or simplify the expression \( 120/60 \). Calculate the value by following steps: - step0: Calculate: \(\frac{120}{60}\) - step1: Reduce the numbers: \(\frac{2}{1}\) - step2: Calculate: \(2\) Here are the conversions based on the calculations: 1. \( 2 \mathrm{~d} = 48 \) h 2. \( 3 \mathrm{~min} = 180 \) sec 3. \( 49 \mathrm{~d} = 7 \) wk 4. \( 120 \mathrm{sec} = 2 \) min 5. \( 6 \mathrm{wk} = 42 \) d 6. \( 4 \mathrm{h} = 240 \) min 7. \( 1 \mathrm{century} = 10 \) decac 8. \( 5 \mathrm{~min} = 300 \) sec 9. \( 2 \frac{1}{2} \mathrm{~yr} = 30 \) mo 10. \( 130 \mathrm{~yr} = 13 \) decades 11. \( 1 \mathrm{~yr} = 365 \) d 12. \( 52 \mathrm{~wk} = 1 \) yr If you have any further questions or need additional conversions, feel free to ask!

Answered by UpStudy AI and reviewed by a Professional Tutor

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Extra Insights

Did you know that a day is defined as the time it takes for the Earth to complete one full rotation on its axis? This means a 24-hour period actually varies slightly throughout the year due to the Earth's elliptical orbit, leading to the need for leap seconds to keep our clocks in sync. So, when converting 2 days to hours, keep in mind that this precision in our measurement is rooted in the complexities of astronomy! Also, practical applications of time conversions are everywhere — from scheduling meetings across different time zones to cooking, where understanding the exact timing can be crucial for perfect results! For instance, if you're baking cookies and a recipe calls for 5 minutes but you're in the groove, knowing that’s 300 seconds lets you time your other chores or keep an eye on that batch without burning it.

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