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6) What are the three conditions that determine the continuity of a function? \( \begin{array}{llll}\text { ()) } f(x)=\frac{x^{3}-1}{x-1} & x \neq 1 & \text { b) ) } f(x)=\frac{x^{3}-1}{x-1} \quad x \neq 1 \\ \text { 2, } x=1 & 3, & x=1\end{array} \)

Ask by Reid Bright. in the United States
Feb 26,2025

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To determine if a function is continuous at a point, three conditions must be met: 1. The function must be defined at that point. 2. The limit of the function as x approaches that point must exist. 3. The value of the function at that point must equal the limit. For the function \( f(x) = \frac{x^3 - 1}{x - 1} \), when x ≠ 1, it simplifies to \( f(x) = x^2 + x + 1 \). At x = 1: - If the function is only defined for x ≠ 1, it's not continuous at x = 1 because f(1) is undefined. - If f(1) is defined as 2, the limit as x approaches 1 is 3, but f(1) = 2 ≠ 3, so it's still not continuous. - To make the function continuous at x = 1, f(1) should be defined as 3. In summary, for continuity at a point, the function must be defined, the limit must exist, and the function value must equal the limit.


To decide whether a function is continuous at a point, there are three necessary conditions: 1. The function must be defined at the point. In other words, f(c) exists. 2. The limit of the function as x approaches the point must exist. That is, limₓ→c f(x) exists. 3. The value of the function at the point must equal the limit. That is, limₓ→c f(x) = f(c). Let’s apply these conditions to the function   f(x) = (x³ – 1)/(x – 1). Notice that (x³ – 1) can be factored using the difference of cubes:   x³ – 1 = (x – 1)(x² + x + 1). Thus, for x ≠ 1, we have   f(x) = (x – 1)(x² + x + 1)/(x – 1) = x² + x + 1. Now consider the following two cases regarding the definition of f(x) at x = 1: Case a) f is defined only for x ≠ 1. - Condition 1 fails at x = 1, because f(1) is not defined. - Even though limₓ→1 f(x) exists and equals 1² + 1 + 1 = 3, the function is not continuous at x = 1 because we cannot compare the limit to f(1). Case b) The function is defined piecewise by:   f(x) = (x³ – 1)/(x – 1) for x ≠ 1, and f(1) is defined to be 2. - Condition 1 is met because f(1) is defined. - Condition 2 is met because limₓ→1 f(x) = 1² + 1 + 1 = 3 exists. - However, Condition 3 fails since f(1) = 2 does not equal the limit 3. Therefore, the function is not continuous at x = 1. If instead we define f(1) = 3, then all three conditions would be satisfied at x = 1, and the function would be continuous there. In summary, the three conditions for continuity at a point c are:   (1) f(c) is defined.   (2) limₓ→c f(x) exists.   (3) limₓ→c f(x) = f(c). Using these, one can check the continuity of any function at a given point.

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The Deep Dive

To determine if a function is continuous at a point, we revolve around three essential conditions. First, the function \( f(x) \) must be defined at that point, meaning \( f(a) \) exists. Secondly, the limit of the function as it approaches that point, \( \lim_{x \to a} f(x) \), must also exist. Lastly, these two values must be equal, or in mathematical terms, \( \lim_{x \to a} f(x) = f(a) \). If these conditions are satisfied, the function is continuous at the point \( a \). In real-world applications, continuity is crucial in various fields such as physics and economics. When studying motion, for example, we assume continuous functions to make predictions about the behavior of objects. If a function representing speed were to have a sudden jump (discontinuity), we couldn't accurately determine the position of the object at any given moment! Thus, understanding continuity helps build a solid foundation for making reliable calculations and predictions in many real-life scenarios.

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