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actions that occur when tectonic plates move. Daisy created two semantic maps to identify the meanings of the terms, examples of each, as well as the processes that created them. Their discussion highlights the effective- ness of student-created graphic organizers. DAISY: So, the plates kinda rub together for both, right? MARCO: Yeah, when the plates rub, it's the start of the process. But right here (points to a part of his graphic organizer), there's a differ- ence. In this direction, you get a volcano but in this direction you get an earthquake. See? JESSICA: I get it. It's like what I wrote in common. They both have a start with the tectonic plates of the Earth. And they both occur around the edges of plates, or the breaks in the plates. DAISY: Yeah, and we got some bad ones. Like the one in San Fran- cisco. Their conversation continues and the students regularly make refer-

Ask by Ayala Martinez. in the United States
Feb 09,2025

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When tectonic plates move, they can interact in different ways: 1. **Convergent Boundaries**: Plates move towards each other, leading to the formation of mountains or volcanoes. 2. **Divergent Boundaries**: Plates move apart, creating new crust and mid-ocean ridges. 3. **Transform Boundaries**: Plates slide past each other, causing earthquakes. These movements can result in geological events like volcanoes and earthquakes, which often occur along the edges or faults of tectonic plates. For example, the San Andreas Fault in San Francisco is a transform boundary where earthquakes frequently happen due to the sliding of plates.


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Beyond the Answer

When tectonic plates move, they can interact in several ways, creating fascinating and sometimes catastrophic geological events. For instance, at divergent boundaries, plates pull apart, forming new crust and often leading to mid-ocean ridges or volcanic activity. Conversely, at convergent boundaries, one plate may slide beneath another, potentially causing significant earthquakes or even the formation of mountain ranges – think of the Himalayas, where the Indian and Eurasian plates collided! On a practical note, understanding these tectonic movements is crucial for predicting geological events and planning urban development. Engineers and city planners study seismic activity patterns to design earthquake-resistant buildings and creating emergency preparedness programs. It’s not just theoretical; learning about tectonic plates can literally save lives and infrastructure by informing where and how we build our communities!

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