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ASSIGNMENT i: Pato 31 of laf pitpox MONEY AND RANKING Write your answers in the space provided below. Refer to the information provided below to answer Question 1. Dank fouth Pacific is in equilibrium with an initial deposit of \( \times 400 \) million, llquid assets of K 100 milition and loans and advances of K 300 million. question 1 A. Draw an initial balance sheet to represent the above information 10 MLARIES \( \qquad \)

Ask by Whittaker Wood. in Papua New Guinea
Feb 26,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Here is the initial balance sheet: **Bank of the Pacific Initial Balance Sheet (In Millions of K)** | **Assets** | **Liabilities** | |------------|------------------| | Liquid Assets: K100 | Deposits: K400 | | Loans & Advances: K300 | | | **Total Assets: K400** | **Total Liabilities: K400** | This shows that the bank's assets equal its liabilities, maintaining equilibrium.


Below is one acceptable way to set up the initial balance sheet based on the information given: ┌───────────────────────────────────┐ │ Bank of the Pacific │ │ Initial Balance Sheet │ │ (In Millions of K) │ ┌──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Assets │ Liabilities │ ├──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────┤ │ Liquid Assets: K100 │ Deposits: K400 │ │ Loans & Advances: K300 │ │ │ │ │ │ Total Assets: K100 + K300 = K400 │ Total Liabilities: K400│ └──────────────┴───────────────────────────────────┘ Explanation: 1. The bank’s total assets are the sum of its liquid assets and its loans and advances, which add up to K100 million + K300 million = K400 million. 2. This total matches the initial deposit (and hence liabilities) of K400 million—so the bank is in equilibrium. This balance sheet shows that the assets side equals the liabilities side, meeting the equilibrium condition.

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To provide a clear representation of the financial position of Dank Fouth Pacific, here's how the initial balance sheet would look based on the given information: **Dank Fouth Pacific Balance Sheet** *As of (Date)* | **Assets** | **Amount (K million)** | |---------------------------|------------------------| | Liquid Assets | 100 | | Loans and Advances | 300 | | **Total Assets** | **400** | | **Liabilities** | **Amount (K million)** | |---------------------------|------------------------| | Deposits | 400 | | **Total Liabilities** | **400** | In this balance sheet, we see that the total assets equal the total liabilities, ensuring the equation balances correctly, confirming the bank is in a state of equilibrium. This succinct representation captures the essence of the bank’s financial standing. If you had a business meeting over this balance sheet, you might imagine a banker sipping coffee while pointing excitedly to the zero discrepancies on either side of the ledger!

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