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One day when we had come to a stop, a worker took a primary purpose? piece of bread out of his bag and threw it into a wagon. There was a stampede. Dozens of starving men fought desperately over a few crumbs. The worker watched the to show how people everywhere need help spectacle with great interest. Years later, I witnessed a similar spectacle in Aden. Our how his opinion of humankind has changed ship's passengers amused themselves by throwing shat is the author's coins to the "natives," who dove to retrieve them. An elegant Parisian lady took great pleasure in this game. when I noticed two children desperately fighting in the behavior is not limited to only one water, one trying to strangle the other, I implored the people may do things without thinking of lady: "Please, don't throw any more coins!" "Why not?" said she. "I like to give charity ..."

Ask by Fuentes Riley. in the United States
Feb 18,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


The author describes how people sometimes watch others struggle for survival without caring, and even enjoy giving small help. This shows that people can act without thinking about how their actions affect others, and the author believes we should be more caring and thoughtful when helping those in need.


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Beyond the Answer

This striking moment reminds us of how acts of charity can sometimes strip away the dignity of those in need. The author's experience illustrates a dual truth: while giving is important, the manner of doing so can lead to unexpected consequences, highlighting just how complex human interactions can be in situations of desperation. It’s a reminder that genuine generosity should consider the recipient’s dignity and agency. In societies throughout history, various forms of assistance have been viewed differently, ranging from noble acts to condescension masked as charity. The author's witnessing of these events suggests a transformation in the perception of giving. The contrast between the boisterous fun of coin-throwing and the harsh realities faced by those in desperate situations encourages a reflection on empathy and the need to engage with those we aim to help on a human level, fostering a greater understanding beyond mere transactions.

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