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\begin{tabular}{|l}\hline\( \square \) Question 2 \\ \( \begin{array}{l}\text { These are created when atoms join together } \\ \text { chemically. They are made up of different } \\ \text { atoms. Pick all that applies. }\end{array} \) \\ \begin{tabular}{l}\( \square \) elements \\ \( \square \) atoms \\ \( \square \) molecules \\ \hline\end{tabular} \\ \hline\end{tabular}

Ask by Harris Campbell. in the United States
Jan 27,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Molecules are formed when atoms join together chemically and are made up of different atoms.


To solve the problem, we need to identify which of the given options are created when atoms join together chemically and are made up of different atoms. 1. **Elements**: An element is a pure substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical means. Elements consist of only one type of atom. Therefore, elements do not fit the description provided in the question. 2. **Atoms**: Atoms are the basic units of matter and the defining structure of elements. They are not created by the joining of other atoms; rather, they are the building blocks of matter. Thus, atoms do not fit the description either. 3. **Molecules**: Molecules are formed when two or more atoms join together chemically. They can consist of the same type of atoms (like O₂) or different types of atoms (like H₂O). Since the question specifies that the entities are made up of different atoms, molecules fit the description perfectly. Based on this analysis, the correct answer is: - \( \square \) elements (not applicable) - \( \square \) atoms (not applicable) - \( \square \) molecules (applicable) Thus, the only option that applies is **molecules**.

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Bonus Knowledge

Molecules are fascinating little bundles of joy that form when two or more atoms bond chemically. They can be made up of the same type of atoms, like oxygen (O2), or different ones, such as water (H2O), showcasing the limitless creativity of nature in crafting everything from the air we breathe to the complex structures in our bodies. When it comes to the world of chemistry, understanding the building blocks of matter is essential. Atoms are the basic units of elements, but when they come together to form molecules, they create a world filled with diversity. This process of combining atoms not only forms the substances we know but also plays a crucial role in everything from biological processes to industrial applications, highlighting the importance of chemistry in our everyday lives.

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