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Why is recruitment an issue in research with children? O because they cannot drive or use public transportation it is difficult for them to travel to the laboratory O the possibility that offering toys or candy as compensation might be too compelling and children would volunteer to participate even in harmful or dangerous research children do not have the abilityto plan ahead and so they almost always quit before studies are complete it is difficult to publicize ads for research because young children do not use social media, attend university, or frequent other locations where recruitment often takes place

Ask by Burns Christensen. in the United States
Jan 31,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Recruiting children for research is difficult because they can't easily travel to labs, might be tempted by small rewards to participate in risky studies, have trouble planning, and it's hard to reach them through typical advertising channels.


The recruitment of children in research can be challenging due to several reasons: 1. **Transportation limitations**: Children cannot drive or use public transportation independently, making it difficult for them to travel to the laboratory for research participation. 2. **Compensation concerns**: Offering toys or candy as compensation might be too enticing for children, leading them to volunteer for research that could potentially be harmful or dangerous. 3. **Lack of planning ability**: Children have difficulty planning ahead, which can result in them quitting studies before completion. 4. **Difficulty in advertising**: It is challenging to publicize research opportunities to children as they do not use social media, attend universities, or frequent locations where recruitment often takes place. These factors contribute to the challenges in recruiting children for research studies.

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Recruitment difficulties in child research stem from several factors, including ethical considerations about consent and the ability of children to understand study parameters. Children require consent from parents or guardians, which complicates recruitment efforts. Additionally, finding appropriate venues to reach both children and their parents is challenging as traditional recruitment strategies often fall short. Furthermore, children’s limited understanding of study implications raises concerns about their maintained interest and cooperation throughout the research process. They may struggle to grasp the study's importance or may lose interest, resulting in high dropout rates and potentially skewing the data collected. This necessitates tailored approaches to recruitment and retention that account for the unique needs of younger participants.

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