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The borders of countries are decided by people. But oceans usually form the op borders of continents. What about islands? Islands are often considered part of the continent they are closest to. Greenland, for example, is politically part of Europe. However, it belongs geographically to the continent of North America. Oceania is a name used to describe many islands in the Pacific Ocean. Most of these islands aren't part of any continent. The islands of Oceania include Fiji, Tonga and Samoa. Australia, a continent and a country, is bordered by the Indian Ocean to the west and the Pacific Ocean to the east. Of all the continents, Australia is the smallest. But, as a country, it is the sixth largest in the world. The biggest cities in Australia are Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. Much of this continent is called the "outback." The outback is a remote and partly desert region in the interior, or away from the coast. Koalas, kangaroos, emus and platypus are some of the unique animals that call Australia home. Which of these is a true statement? Australia is a continent that includes three countries. Australia is the sixth largest continent. No country is larger than Australia. No continent is smaller than Australia.

Ask by Wells Morgan. in the United States
Jan 27,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


Australia is the smallest continent, so no other continent is smaller than it.


The correct statement is: **No continent is smaller than Australia.** **Explanation:** - **Australia is a continent that includes three countries.** - *Incorrect.* Australia as a continent primarily includes the country of Australia. While the broader region of Oceania includes other countries, the continent of Australia itself is generally considered to be comprised of just Australia. - **Australia is the sixth largest continent.** - *Incorrect.* Australia is the smallest continent. - **No country is larger than Australia.** - *Incorrect.* As a country, Australia is the sixth largest in the world, meaning there are five countries larger than it. - **No continent is smaller than Australia.** - *Correct.* Australia is the smallest continent, so no other continent is smaller.

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The Deep Dive

Australia is indeed the sixth largest country in the world, but it's also the smallest continent! This unique distinction comes from its geographical features as a landmass entirely surrounded by ocean, which indeed separates it from the typical traits of continents that are often larger and connected to other land areas. In terms of geography, there are some common misconceptions. For instance, while many people might think of Australia as a land of kangaroos and koalas, its incredibly diverse ecosystems include lush rainforests, arid deserts, and stunning coastal regions. The Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef system, is found off the northeastern coast and is a UNESCO World Heritage site, making Australia a hotspot for biodiversity and environmental wonders!

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