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Neon exists as a gas at room temperature and pressure because A. neon is chemically inert. B. neon molecules are monoatomic. C. the attractive force between neon atoms is weak. D. the outermost electron shell of a neon atom has an octet structure

Ask by Davey Summers. in China
Feb 18,2025

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Neon exists as a gas because its molecules are monoatomic.


The correct answer is B. neon molecules are monoatomic. Neon is a noble gas, and as a noble gas, it exists as a gas at room temperature and pressure because its molecules are monoatomic. This means that neon atoms do not form molecules with other neon atoms, but instead exist as individual atoms. This is due to the fact that neon atoms have a full outer energy level, which makes them chemically inert and unable to form bonds with other atoms.

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Neon is a noble gas, which means it is chemically inert. This lack of reactivity can be attributed to its full outer electron shell, making it stable and uninterested in forming bonds with other elements. Its inert gas status contributes to its behavior as a colorless, odorless gas at room temperature. Moreover, the weak intermolecular forces between neon atoms are due to their monoatomic nature. Being composed of single atoms rather than molecules means that there are minimal forces pulling them together, allowing neon to exist in a gaseous state under normal conditions without tapering into a liquid or solid form.

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