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Select the correct answer. Ahmed selects a block of text and uses the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C. He then moves to a different location in the document and presses the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V While the text is still selected in the new location, he presses Ctrl + I. What is the effect of Ahmed's changes? A. moving the text without duplication and removing all font effects B. copying the text and italicizing it C. copying the text and increasing the font size by one point D. copying the text and removing all font effects E. moving the text without duplication and italicizing it Next

Ask by Moran Logan. in the United States
Feb 24,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


Ahmed copies the text and makes it italic.


B. copying the text and italicizing it

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Extra Insights

Ahmed's actions lead to the text being copied and italicized. When he uses Ctrl + C, he copies the text to the clipboard. After moving to a new location and pressing Ctrl + V, he pastes the text. Subsequently, using Ctrl + I applies italics to the selected text. Therefore, the correct answer is B. copying the text and italicizing it. Additionally, it's a handy trick to know that if you ever need to quickly revert any formatting changes, you can often use keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + Z to undo. This can save you from the hassle of manually correcting mistakes after applying styles that don’t quite fit! Also, experimenting with keyboard shortcuts can be an exciting way to enhance your productivity. You can create cheat sheets of shortcuts to keep handy while you work, making everything from text editing to formatting a smooth and speedy experience!

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