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3. How is this volume formula, \( V=\ell \times w \times h \), similar to the volume formula, \( V=B \times h \) ?

Ask by Sherman Page. in the United States
Feb 25,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


Both formulas calculate volume by multiplying the base area by the height. In the first formula, ℓ × w gives the base area, which is then multiplied by h. In the second formula, B × h directly uses the base area and height to find the volume.


Both formulas express volume as the product of a base area and height. In the formula V = ℓ × w × h, the term ℓ × w represents the area of the rectangular base, which we can call B. Thus, the formula becomes V = B × h, which is exactly the same as the second formula.

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Both volume formulas describe how to calculate the space occupied by three-dimensional shapes, but they approach it from different angles. The first formula, \( V=\ell \times w \times h \), is for rectangular prisms, where you simply multiply the length, width, and height. The second formula, \( V=B \times h \), generalizes this concept, where \( B \) represents the area of the base; when you multiply this area by the height, you get the same result—just a more versatile way to compute volume for various shapes! These formulas are particularly useful in practical situations! For example, if you're planning a garden bed and need to know how much soil to buy, you can use these formulas to easily calculate the volume it will occupy. By knowing the dimensions (length, width, height), you can determine the cubic feet of soil required, ensuring your plants have plenty of space to grow without overspending on materials. Happy gardening!

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