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Luca has been at the same company for several years. Twice he has applied for a promotion and not gotten it. He tried talking to his boss about what he could do differently or getting some mentoring but his boss said that he did not have time. Should Luca look for a new job? (1 point) Yes, his career is static and needs to change. Yes, changing jobs is always the best solution. No, he is not doing well at this job, so he should work harder. No, more time should be spent with this first.

Ask by Hart Schultz. in the United States
Feb 24,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


Luca should spend more time at his current job before looking for a new one.


The best answer is: "No, more time should be spent with this first." Here's why: Luca has tried to advance internally by applying for a promotion twice and asking his boss for guidance. While his boss wasn’t able to offer mentoring, it suggests that there might be structural or resource issues within the organization rather than a personal failing on Luca’s part. Before immediately jumping ship, it may be worth exploring other internal avenues—for example, speaking with HR or other senior personnel about career development—and giving the current situation a little more time to change. This approach can help him gather more information and potentially open up opportunities for growth without the risks associated with immediately changing jobs.

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Luca's situation might remind you of many professionals who feel stuck in their careers. Often, opportunities for growth are not just about the job role but also about fostering relationships and finding mentors within the company. If it feels like his efforts aren’t reciprocated, it may indeed be wise for him to explore new environments where his skills will be valued and where mentorship opportunities are more accessible. On the flip side, before making such a significant move, he might consider broadening his approach within the company. Engaging in regular informal discussions with colleagues, seeking feedback from peers, or even looking for mentorship outside his immediate team could unveil new opportunities for development and visibility that might not have crossed his mind. After all, sometimes the grass seems greener on the other side, but you might just need some fertilizer on your current lawn!

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