Pollard Deleon
02/15/2023 · Elementary School

In the 18 th century, an intellectual movernent called the Enlightenment started in Europe. The thinkers who made up this movement challenged many traditional European political beliefs. John Locke, for instance, argued that all people had natural rights that no leader could take away. He also suggested that citizens had the right to overthrow leaders who failed to protect their rights. Other Enlightenment thinkers called for freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and limits on governmental power. These ideas are central to many democratic governments today. Which statement best describes the passage's main idea? B. The Enlightenment introduced many political ideas that are still relevant today. C. Enlightenment thinkers foreed their governments to grant citizens freedom of speech. D. The Enlightenment started in Europe during the 18 th century.

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B. The Enlightenment introduced many political ideas that are still relevant today.

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