Lee Washington
05/29/2024 · Elementary School

For students who first enrolled in two-year public institutions in a recent semester, the proportion who earned a bachelor's degree within six years was 0.393 . The president of a certain junior college believes that the proportion of students who enroll in her institution have a lower completion rate. (a) State the null and alternative hypotheses in words. (b) State the null and alternative hypotheses symbolically. (c) Explain what it would mean to make a Type I error. (d) Explain what it would mean to make a Type II error. (Type integers or decimals. Do not round.) (c) What would it mean to make a Type I error? The president \( \square \) the hypothesis that the proportion of students who earn a bachelor's degree within six years is (Type integers or decimals. Do not round.)

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The president rejects the null hypothesis when the true proportion is actually 0.393 or higher.

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