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Biology Questions & Answers

6. Identify how fetal alcohol syndrome is prevented during pregnancy. (Hint: See Table 3.) 7. Distinguish the event that occurs during stage three of childbrith. \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { a. "water breaks" } & \text { c. baby's head emerges } \\ \text { b. cervix dilates } & \text { d. uterus expels placenta } \\ \text { 8. Summarize the changes that occur in a baby } \\ \text { during early child development. }\end{array} \) Critical Thinking \( \begin{array}{l}\text { 9. Why do you think genes are so important in the } \\ \text { development of a fetus? }\end{array} \)
(b) in which tissue are the following cells found? (i) Red blood cell (ii) Palisade cell
Using Key Terms 1. Define the term embryo. 2. Identify the term for "the healthcare provided for a woman during her pregnancy." Understanding Key Ideas 3. Describe how a life begins. \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { 4. Identify the development that occurs during the } \\ \text { first trimester of pregnancy. } \\ \begin{array}{ll}\text { a. baby moves } \\ \text { b. arms and legs form } & \text { c. lungs mature }\end{array} \\ \text { 5. Describe the importance of prenatal care for } \\ \text { keeping healthy before and during pregnancy. }\end{array} \)
6. Describe the changes that occur in the female reproductive organs during the menstrual cycle. 7. Compare the symptoms of the female reproduc- tive problems, menstrual cramps and vaginitis. 8. LIFe SKILL Practicing Wellness List five things a female can do to keep her reproductive system healthy. Critical Thinking 9. What should a girl do if she has severe menstrual cramps? 10. What do you think happens to the ovulated egg if it is not fertilized by a sperm?
4. Identify the female reproductive organ that trans- port eggs from the ovary to the uterus. \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { a. ovary } & \text { c. fallopian tube } \\ \text { b. uterus } & \text { d. urethra }\end{array} \) 5. Summarize the path of the egg through the female reproductive system.
To investigate the effect of lizard predation on spider populations, a student in a biology class placed spiders in two enclosures, one with lizards and one without, and tracked the number of spiders in the enclosures for 30 days. The student concluded that the reduction in the spider population count in the enclosure with lizards by day 30 was entirely attributable to the presence of the lizards.Which choice best describes data from the graph that weaken the student's conclusion?A) The spider population count was the same in both enclosures on day 1.B) The spider population count also substantially declined by day 30 in the enclosure without lizards.C) The largest decline in spider population count in the enclosure with lizards occurred from day 1 to day 10.D) The spider population count on day 30 was lower in the enclosure with lizards than in the enclosure without lizards.
Using Key Terms 1. Define the term ovaries. 2. Identify the term for "the female reproductive organ that provides a place to support a developing human." Understanding Key Ideas 3. Describe the role of the female reproductive system. 4. Identify the female reproductive organ that trans- port eggs from the ovary to the uterus. \( \begin{array}{ll}\text { a. ovary } & \text { c. fallopian tube } \\ \text { b. uterus } & \text { d. urethra }\end{array} \) 5. Summarize the path of the egg through the female reproductive system.
What is a herbivore?A. an animal that gets energy from eating other animalsB. an organism that gets energy from eating only plantsC. an animal that gets energy by eating both plants and other animalsD. an animal that eats only herbs
Heterochromatin always remains highly condensed because itis important for chromosome packaging during cell division.contains highly repetitive sequences.contains few genes that are important for chromosome movement during cell division.contains many genes that must be available for transcription.
Explain the central dogma and why a two-step process is necessary in order to make proteins.
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