คำสั่ง ให้นักเรียนเขียนเครื่องหมายกากบาท \( (x) \) ลงในช่องว่างตรงกับหัวข้อหน้าคำตอบที่ถูกต้อง
\( \begin{array}{ll}\text { ๑. ต่อมไขมันใต้ผิวหนังจะทำงานได้เต็มที่จนกระทั่งอายุกี่ปี } \\ \text { ก. ๒๐ ปี } & \text { ข. ๓๐ ปี } \\ \text { ค. ๔๐ ปี } & \text { ง. ๕๐ ปี }\end{array} \)
Виберіть одну правильну відповідь
1. Укажіть формені елементи, які входять до складу крові: а) еритроцити, мі-.
цити, тромбоцити; б) еритроцити, міоцити, лийоцити; в) еритроцити, лейкоци-
ти, тромбоцити; г) тромбоцити, лейкоиити, міцити.
2. Укажіть частку крові (\%) в організмі людини від загальної маси тіла: а) 15-20;
б) 25-30; в) 7-8; г) з0-40.
3. Укажіть, що не входить до внутрішнього середовища організму людини:
а) кров; б) цитоплазма клітин; в) лімфа; г) тканинна рідина.
6. Identify why each of the following behaviors puts a
teen at high risk for catching STDs.
a. having more than one sexual partner
b. using alcohol or drugs
7. Name three reasons why teens are particularly at
risk for being infected with STDs.
8. LIFE SKILI Practicing Wellness Describe steps
you can take to prevent the spread of STDs.
Critical Thinking
9. Can someone transmit a sexually transmitted
disease to another person without realizing it?
Explain your answer.
Using Key Terms
1. Define the term epidemic.
2. Identify the term that means "showing no signs
of illness or disease, even though an infection is
Understanding Key ldeas
3. Describe why STDs are called a "silent epidemic."
4. State two serious problems that sexually transmit-
ted diseases can cause.
5. Identify the ratio of sexually active teens that have
an STD.
\( \begin{array}{ll}\text { a. } 1 \text { in } 2 & \text { c. } 1 \text { in } 10 \\ \text { b. } 1 \text { in } 5 & \text { d. } 1 \text { in } 20\end{array} \)
Transport of nutrients and waste products in organisms.
Photosynthesis consumes carbon dioxide and release of oxygen
Biosphere - Atmosphere Geosphere - Atmosphere \( \# \) Atmosphere - Hydrosphere \( \# \) Hydrosphere-Geosphere
P Previous
Transport of nutrients and waste products in organisms.
\begin{tabular}{l} Transport of nutrients and waste products in organisms. \\ Release of sulfur dioxide after a volcanic eruption resulting to global cooling. \\ \hline Phos rises in a form of water vapor then exchange into a precipitation. \\ Choices: \\ \hline\( : \) Biosphere - Atmosphere \end{tabular}
y Assessment \#l of 3 Universe and Solar System and Earth System
on 6 of 15
the following situations and choose the BEST interactions. Choose your answer from the table below.
ach item to a choice:
Transport of nutrients and waste products in organisms.
Gas rises in a form of water vapor then exchange into a precipitation.
Photosynthesis consumes carbon dioxide and release of oxygen.
Critical Thinking
9. Why do you think genes are so important in the
development of a fetus?
10. What factors should a couple consider before they
decide to have children?
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