Describe the signs to look for to determine that a person has experienced a grand mal seizure.
Multiple Choice
Confusion, fatigue, and muscle soreness usually follow the seizure.
Periods of alternating muscle contractions and relaxation, resembling a jerking motion, are present pressure and heart rate, urination, and defecation are common.
Why is the use of Levodopa delayed in the treatment of the early stages of Parkinson's disease?
The symptoms of Parkinson's disease include all of the following except:
A reduction in tremors and muscular rigidity can be directly accomplished with the administration of:
Multiple Choice
a cholinergic drug.
a donticholinergic drug.
Which of the following drugs inhibits the enzyme DOPA decarboxylase to increase the amount of the drug levodopa that enters the brain?
The drug carbidopa enhances the action of the drug levodopa by:
Multiple Choice
inhibiting the conversion of levodopa to dopamine in the basal ganglia.
promoting the conversion of levodopa to dopamine in the basal ganglia.
promoting the conversion of levodopa to dopamine in the periphery.
The main cause of Parkinson's disease is the accelerated loss of:
Identify a drug that inhibits the metabolism of dopamine.
is an inhibitory neurotransmitter released by neurons from the substantia nigra.
Maria comes in with a complaint of having frequent seizures that do not last for more than a few seconds. Maria says that she would often stare into
space or rapidly blink for a few seconds in office and then continue with her regular work as if nothing had happened. Maria is presenting symptoms of
Multiple Choice
absence seizures
atonic seizures seizures
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