2. Many modern whales have a vestigial pelvis and femur, such as is shown in the
diagram. What does this evidence suggest about ancestors of modern whales?
Short Answer Questions:
1. Describe the 4 steps (in order) in the speciation process or Draw and explain using speciation
process for beetles.
Білу және түсіну:
1. Жасушалық және гуморальдық иммунитет дегеніміз не?
2. Лимфоциттер болмаса, иммунитет жүзеге асады ма?
3. Нейтрофилдер мен моноциттер не үшін керек екенін түсіндіріндер.
Using Key Terms
1. Define nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).
Understanding Key Ideas
2. List three reasons people may begin using tobacco.
3. State two ways that tobacco use affects families
and society.
4. Identify which of the following is not a cost of
tobacco use to society.
\( \begin{array}{ll}\text { a. tobacco products } & \text { c. fetal alcohol syndrome } \\ \text { b. funeral costs } & \text { d. medical costs }\end{array} \)
7kxplain why swallowing and breathing
in Cannot occar at the Same time
b Why is it necessary that pepsin be
prodiced in its inactive form
cWhat is Binomial nomeclature
sName the organelles that would be four
in large number in cell of a
1) Rapidly respiring tissic
"Secretory gland
6. List the effects that secondhand smoke has on
7. List five problems that infants can have if they are
born to mothers who smoke.
Understanding Key Ideas
4. Identify the short-term effect of smoking.
\( \begin{array}{ll}\text { a. emphysema } & \text { c. heart disease } \\ \text { b. cancer } & \text { d. increased blood sugar } \\ \text { 5. Describe the damage caused by long-term use of } \\ \text { tobacco products. }\end{array} \)
Citer les différentes interactions entre les espèces de l'écosystéme de la peau.
tablir un schéma pour représenter ces interactions.
ans un texte, identifier les conséquences du traitement aux probiotiques et expliquer en quoi chaque espè
écosystème est-elle importante.
Using Key Terms
1. Name the disease in which air cannot move in and
out of alveoli because they become blocked or lose
their elasticity.
2. Compare mainstream smoke to sidestream smoke.
3. Define environmental tobacco smoke.
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