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English Questions & Answers

Click to correct the three capitalization errors. My Grendmother prefers reading clizabethan literature; she says that Writers such as William Shakespeare and Edmund Spenser wrote the most magnificent works in the English language.
Click to correct the four capitalization errors. In 1849, Elizabeth Blackwell received her Medical degree from Geneva College and became the first fermale doctor in U.s. history. In 1857, she established a Hospital that is known today as the lower Manhattan Hospital.
Click to correct the four capitalization errors. In 1849 , Elizabeth Backwell recelved her Medical degree from Geneva College and became the first female doctor in U.s, history. In 1857, she established a Hospital that is known today as the lower Manhattan Hospital,
Click to correct the five capitalization errors. My Aunt will celebrate her fortieth Birthday on saturday, so we're going to have Picnic with her at bruce Peninsula National Park on Lake Huron.
1. Which TWO of the following best state the central ideas of the text? A. Washington declines a third term in order to set presidential precedent. B. Above all else, complete and total patriotism, in Washington's view, unites the people C. Washington warns against partisan fighting, afraid it will incite animosity and become a detriment to democratic governance. D. Washington advocates for the complete separation of church and state. E. Wary of partiality and being caught up in other countries' fights, Washington promotes neutrality in foreign matters.
1. (a) In paragraph 5, what does the author say Bob could make horses think? (b) Connect Cite at least two actions Bob takes later in the text that connect to that idea. (A)- Bob could make the horses think he was one of them. (B)-
How does the author present his point of view in the passage? Cite evidence from the text to support your answer.
2-Assinale a alternativa que está de acordo com as regras de concordância da lingua padrāo. A)Para tornar mais claro as regras do programa de participação nos resultados, os diretores convidaram economistas que pudesse deixar os conteúdos mais compreensiveis para a maioria dos funcionários. B)Muitos jovens não consegue concluirem o ensino médio e, sem formaçăo, acaba entrando no mundo do crime. c)Os objetivos desse plano pode ser resumido na seguinte frase: clareza na comunicaçóo e envolvimento dos empregados na definição de metas. D) Um dos problemas é a incerteza em relação ao eixo determinante dos conflitos internacionais, que, na guerra-fria era, sem dúvida, a questão ideológica. E)As ações governamentais, em sua maioria, não visa o bem público, mas valorizar a imagem do governo.
Are these complete sentences, or is one of them a fragment? Sheldon Plankton's computer was too slow to play movies. He finally decided, therefore, to buy a new laptop. Complete Sentences Submit answer
Highlight the infinitive phrase that is acting as an adjective in this sentence: The street to take passes by the elementary school.
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