Question \#1:
The two basic parts of every sentence are the
A. subject and predicate
B. predicate and verb
C. noun and object
8-Em Tenho ódio mortal dos mosquitos,
Drazio [sic] Varella usa a preposição de para
ligar a palavra ódio à palavra mosquitos.
Poderia, se quisesse, ter usado a e escrever:
Tenho ódio mortal aos mosquitos. Trata-se
da opção por uma determinada regência
a) Leia os três trechos a seguir e diga em
qual deles é possível empregar
indiferentemente de ou a.
I. Eu, que tinha ódio ao menino, afastei-me
de ambos. (Machado de Assis, Memórias
póstumas de Brás Cubas.)
II. O ódio a Bill Gates se explica com uma
palavra bem arcaica e bem humana: inveja.
(Folha de S.Paulo, 02.07.2008.)
III. O desejo de um conde por uma jovem
desperta o ódio da mulher do nobre. (Folha
de S.Paulo, 11.08 .2008 . Adaptado.)
2-Assinale a alternativa que está de acordo
com as regras de concordância da língua
A)Para tornar mais claro as regras do programa
de participação nos resultados, os diretores
convidaram economistas que pudesse deixar os
conteúdos mais compreensíveis para a maioria
dos funcionários.
B)Muitos jovens não consegue concluirem o
ensino médio e, sem formação, acaba entrando
no mundo do crime.
C)Os objetivos desse plano pode ser resumido na
seguinte frase: clareza na comunicação e
envolvimento dos empregados na definição de
D)Um dos problemas é a incerteza em
relação ao eixo determinante dos conflitos
internacionais, que, na guerra-fria era, sem
dúvida, a questão ideológica.
Volgi le frasi nella forma indicate tra parentesi e dopo fanne la
traduzione: \( \quad \) (A)
1. work time does what start Nick? ( metti nell'ordine corretto)
2. We have dinner at 9 o'clock in the evening (forma negativa e
3. Who is Mr. Wright? I not know her (correggi gli errori)
4. weekend ever they do work at? (metti nell'ordine corretto)
5. Where do you live? (rispondi)
6. Does your father drive a car? (rispondi)
7. She (finish) school at 2 o.clock p.m. (coniuga il verbo alla forma
Revenge Of The Geeks Discussion - Shadowshaper 10
With your partner Discuss and respono to the following questions based on your readinc Respond to all parts
(a) Determine a central ldea and analyze its development over the course of
a text.
Reread paragaphs 1 and 2 In your own words, state the central lidea that Robbins puts
forth about being different in high school. Then scan the rest of the text. How does
Robbins develop her central idea? What types of inforination does she use to support
the idea, and how does that information help the central idea to take shape?
Part II: Application and Critical Thinking (20 points)
7. In a three-paragraph essay, explain how voting rights have
changed since the end of the Civil War and how these
changes have affected U.S. society. Your essay should
address different groups' efforts to secure voting rights, as
well as the policies responsible for expanding them.
Part II: Application and Critical Thinking (20 points)
7. In a three-paragraph essay, explain how voting rights have
changed since the end of the Civil War and how these
changes have affected U.S. society. Your essay should
address different groups' efforts to secure voting rights, as
well as the policies responsible for expanding them.
Read the following excerpt from the Epic of Gilgamesh. What does the phrase
"this was the king who knew the countries of the world" suggest about the
kind of government Gilgamesh ruled over?
I will proclaim to the world the deeds of Gilgamesh. This
was the man to whom all things were known; this was the
king who knew the countries of the world. He was wise, he
saw mysteries and knew secret things..When the gods
created Gilgamesh they gave him a perfect body. Shamash
the glorious sun endowed him with beauty...surpassing all
others, terrifying like a great wild bull. Two thirds they
made him god and one third man.
- The Epic of Gilgamesh
A. The government was a patriarchy.
B. The government was a democracy.
C. The government was a monarchy.
D. The government was a theocracy.
I urge all citizens to vote for the Republican candidate in
the upcoming city council election. I have known her for
over 20 years. We have worked together in the past, and
our children are even best friends! I know for a fact that
she will be the most effective leader out of all the
candidates on the ballot.
Which statement best describes the bias illustrated in the passage?
A. The author is biased toward a specific candidate because they
have a personal relationship.
supports a female candidate.
C. The author is biased against a candidate because he uses no
sources to support his views.
D. The author is biased against the Democratic Party because he
supports Republican candidates.
Which phrase best defines the term corroboration?
A. Determining whether a source has any biases
B. Using multiple sources to confirm a conclusion
c. Removing a source from its historical context
D. Citing sources properly when conducting research
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