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English Questions & Answers

The following text is from the 1924 poem “Cycle” by D’Arcy McNickle, a citizen of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes.There shall be new roads wending,A new beating of the drum—Men’s eyes shall have fresh seeing,Grey lives reprise their span—But under the new sun’s being,Completing what night began,There’ll be the same backs bending,The same sad feet shall drum—When this night finds its endingAnd day shall have come.....Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?A. To consider how the repetitiveness inherent in human life can be both rewarding and challengingB. To question whether activities completed at one time of day are more memorable than those completed at another time of dayC. To refute the idea that joy is a more commonly experienced emotion than sadness isD. To demonstrate how the experiences of individuals relate to the experiences of their communities
2 What does this passage describe? A This passage describes the career of baseball stars like Babe Ruth, Mattingly, and Ryan Braun. (B) This passage describes a strange old ballpark and some of the things happened there. (C) This passage describes the reasons that some people want to build a ballpark next to the state Capitol in Tennessee. (D) This passage describes the different players on the Nashville Sounds.
4. What question can be answered using details from the story? Use details from the story to support your answer.
En el contexto de la comunicación efectiva, se destaca la importancia de que el campo de experiencia del emisor coincida con el del receptor. ¿Cómo podría esta coincidencia afectar la atención, distorsión y retención selectivas durante el proceso de comunicación? a. Facilitando la percepción sin distorsiones b. Reduciendo la necesidad de atención selectiva c. Minimizando la relevancia de la retención selectiva d. Aumentando la probabilidad de distorsión selectiva
A student was writing a story about a dilemma he/she was in. Read the paragraph below and the task that follows. Crash! Bits of glass shattered everywhere. I thought to myself. "Oh, no!" I had just broken my mom's favorite vase, and I was frozen in anguish about what to do next. Should I pretend it didn't happen? Should I fix it? Should I admit the truth? I didn't want to disappoint my mom, but I also didn't want to get into trouble. Figuring out how I should handle this problem was going to be tricky. In one or two paragraphs, write an ending to the story that solves the problem and shows the lesson learned. Be sure to use maintain the first person point of view by making the story yours and using "I".
A student was writing a stead the paragraph below and the task that follows. Crash! Bits of glass shattered everywhere. I thought to myself. "Oh. no!" I had just broken my mom's favorite vase, and I was frozen in anguish about what to do next. Should I pretend it didn't happen? Should I fix it? Should I admit the truth? I didn't want to disappoint my mom, but I also didn't want to get into trouble. Figuring out how I should handle this problem was going to be tricky. In one or two paragraphs, write an ending to the story that solves the problem and shows the lesson learned. Be sure to use maintain the first person point of view by making the story yours and using "I".
\begin{tabular}{l} Ms. Naline \\ Composition homework \\ Write a letter to the \\ Headteacher about the \\ constant bullying in the \\ school compound. \\ Suggest three measures \\ that can be put into place \\ to help solve the issue. \\ The Headteacher, \\ Leonora Primary School, \\ Public Road, \\ Leonora, \\ West Coast Demerara. \\ \hline\end{tabular}
\begin{tabular}{l} Ms. Naline \\ Composition homework \\ Write a letter to the \\ Headteacher about the \\ constant bullying in the \\ school compound. \\ Suggest three measures \\ that can be put into place \\ to help solve the issue. \\ The Headteacher, \\ Leonora Primary School, \\ Public Road, \\ Leonora, \\ West Coast Demerara. \\ \hline\end{tabular}
5 Short Response Describe a theme of "The Two Travelers." Include details about the story events and characters' actio that helped you infer the theme, or the author's life lesson.
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