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Mónica parte en ascensor desde la planta cero su edificio. El ascensor sube 5 plantas, después baja 3, sube 5. balia 8 . Sulé 10 . Sube 5 y baja 6 ¿En qué planta esta?
Nguyen wrapped one third of a present in one sixth of a minute. Find the rate in presents per minute. 6 presents 3 presents 2 presents per minute 6 minutes per present
Solve for \( w \) \[ (5 w+15)\left(w^{2}-4 w-12\right)=0 \] (If there is more than one solution, separate them
The mean weight of a pair of shoes is 825.00 g with a standard deviation of 71.00 g . The mean weight of an empty shoe box for a pair of shoes is 52.00 g with a standard deviation of 3.20 g . What are the mean and standard deviation of the weight of a shoe box with a pair of shoes inside? Mean = [?] S.D. \( ] \)
SECTION B \( \mid 40 \) MARKS 11 Solve the equation \( 5(x+2)=8 \).
दीपक आया और खेलने लगा।' वाक्य का सरल रूप निम्न विकल्पों से चुनें- जैसे ही दीपक आया वह खेलने लगा। दीपक आया और खेलने लगा। दीपक आकर खेलने लगा। दीपक आया और खेल कर चला लगा।
Alena is trying to determine the best restaurant to go to for a special occasion. An online restaurant review site asked people to vote for their favorite restaurant coded \( A, B \) or \( C \). The votes for favorite restaurants are \( \{C, C, C, C, B, C, B, B, A, A, C, B, A\} \) What is the mode of this data set? Submit Question
Luego de cosechar 72 sacos de papa, de 40 kilogramos cada uno, Luis y Miguel acordaron repartirse la producción. Luis recibió el \( 4 / 9 \) de los sacos, mientras que Miguel obtuvo el \( 5 / 8 \) de lo que quedó. Asimismo, Luis y Miguel acordaron vender a \( 5 / 4,20 \) el kilogramo de papa. Considerando que Miguel solo vendió \( 2 / 5 \) de sus sacos de papa y Luis vendió todos los suyos. 6. ¿cuánto más ingresos obtuvo Luis que Miguel por ta venta de papas? \( \begin{array}{lll}\text { (a) } 5376 \text { soles } & \text { bb } 1176 \text { soles } & \text { (c) } 4200 \text { soles } \\ \text { (d) } 3696 \text { soles }\end{array} \)
276. Il lato obliquo di un triangolo isoscele misura 45 m ed è \( 5 / 8 \) della base. Calcola [ \( \left.972 \mathrm{~m}^{2}\right] \)
Set up the problem below and calculate the number of days that are equivalent to exactly 33120 minutes. Place your conversion factors in order such that "minutes" cancels first. 33120 minutes \( \times \square \) days
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