Geography Questions from Dec 04,2024

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Në lidhje me Europën trevat shqiptare ndodhen në rajonin \( \quad \) të Europës Në ushtrimet e mëposhtme plotëso: 11 Pozita gjeografike mesdhetare e Shqipërisë në aspektin natyror ndikon mbi dhe B. Le principali catene montuose delle Isole Britanniche sono le .................... i Monti Cambrici, i Pennini e i ................. Sono tutte di origine antica, con forme arrotondate e vette di modesta .................. C. Gli Appennini attraversano l'Italia da nord a .......... Le loro cime sono più ............. di quelle delle Alpi. La vetta più alta è il .............................. ( 2912 m ), che si trova nell'Appennino Centrale. Which of these events is an example of urbanization? A. A city planner decides to build houses instead of apartments. B. A leader forces citizens from the eastern part of a city to move to the western part. c. A family sells its farm and moves to a large city. D. A person migrates from a developed nation to a developing nation. Which of these present-day structures serves a similar purpose to that of the ancient Mesopotamians' ziggurats? A. A hospital B. A place of worship C. A library D. A government office Which of the following is an example of an absolute monarchy? A. A state with a leader who is advised by members of the priestly class B. An empire that is governed by a long line of kings from the same family C. A kingdom with a ruler who controls all aspects of the lives of his subjects D. A city-state with a ruler who encourages his subjects to voice theil desires Read the following passage and then answer the question. The Greek Renaissance of the eighth century BCE marks a time of great development, including the rise of the polis, or city-state. Trade routes flourished, and an increase in population and production led to the formation of a wealthy upper class. These changes led to the replacement of typical chiefdoms with poleis. Each polis consisted of people who lived in the same area in or near an urban area. Each polis had walls that protected it from invaders, stratified social classes, and public buildings. Most poleis were governed by a king. Athens, however, was governed as a democracy for a time. Despite their common tongue, the poleis could be bitter rivals, as was the case with warlike Sparta and aristocratic Athens. The poleis held power from 800 BCE to 500 BCE. What parallel can be drawn between the poleis of ancient Greece and the city- states of ancient Mesopotamia? A. They used democracy as a form of government. B. They were ruled by one powerful individual. C. They were generally cooperative with their neighbors. D. They arose at about the same time in history. The Nile in Egypt and the Euphrates River in Mesopotamia provided rich, fertile soil that allowed civilizations to A. grow crops B. build houses C. hunt animals D. gather berries What conditions allowed early Mesopotamian civilizations to develop food surpluses through farming? A. The rivers provided water and rich soil. B. The lakes provided water and mineral resources. C. The oceans provided water and fish. D. The seas provided water and trade routes. Read the following passage. Which early river valley civilization does it describe? This kingdom developed along the Yellow River. It protected its large territory by developing bronze weapons and building large walls. Historians are able to study its society through written records it left behind. A. The Olmec civilization B. The Chavin civilization C. The Shang dynasty D. The Hittite kingdom
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