Geography Questions from Dec 05,2024

Browse the Geography Q&A Archive for Dec 05,2024, featuring a collection of homework questions and answers from this day. Find detailed solutions to enhance your understanding.

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33. This civilization developed a written language that used hieroglyphics like those used by the Egyptians. Later, their language changed to an alphabet of 23 symbols. A. Aksum B. Nok C. Bantu D. Kush 34. This civilization worshipped some gods that were similar to those of Egypt, such as the sun god Amon-Re and Isis, goddess of the moon. A. Aksum B. Nok C. Bantu D. Kush 35. This civilization's builders and architects also built large, richly decorated Christian churches. A. Aksum B. Nok C. Bantu D. Kush 32. This civilization's farmers practiced terraced farming and also built canals, dams, and holding ponds to bring mountain water to the fields. A. Aksum B. Nok C. Bantu D. Kush 31. This civilization shared their knowledge of ironmaking and agriculture and spread their languages as they moved. A. Aksum B. Nok C. Bantu D. Kush 30. A legend traces the founding of this civilization to Menelik, the son of King Solomon of Israel and the Queen of Sheba. A. Aksum B. Nok C. Bantu D. Kush 29. Some scholars believe this civilization's monarchy was the earliest in human history, A. Aksum B. Nok C. Bantu D. Kush 30. A legend traces the founding of this civilization to Menelik, the son of King Israel and the Queen of Sheba. A. Aksum indique au bic rouge le nom des continents sur lesquels s'étend l'ancien Croissant fertile; repasse au bic bleu les trois fleuves principaux de Mésopotamie et d'Égypte puis note leur nom sur leur tracé; colorie en bleu les étendues maritimes des Proche-et Moyen-Orients puis note leur nom. Which statement most accurately defines a region? (1 point) A region is defined by its features that humans developed such as language and A region can be defined by its natural features or by features that humans developed. A region is defined primarily by its climate and natural features. defined by its proximity to another region. Which of the following information would be displayed in a thematic map? (1 point) The size of age and sex cohorts in a population. Median income in different U.S. states. The counties and cities within a state. The major landforms of the United States. Which is irrelevant when analyzing a road map? (1 point) The shape used to denote a town The color used to mark the geography The scale used to establish the size The font used to label a city
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