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Social sciences delve into human behavior, relationships, and societal structures, covering subjects like sociology, psychology, economics, and political science. These d... Load more Hide more

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CASE STUDY: Teen Preynancy Teen preglasicy is a prranancy in a young not fully grown womern who is helow the abe of hechty yrars Te pregnancy shoufd the hehly diccouragod, because as a tevo you aren't fully matured, and your hedy wits is prowing. and it puts you and the baby unplete you at tisk Ab a kest mother you may fate eomplicatures fuct prumature labour, merdical complication surinit the pregnancy period, at childbirth or after chilifturth and haely to drop out of school, and if you dir op out of echoel yous whili not have all the ederettion yert with thut the future to ert a rood parying job ta support yourselt and they baby TEon preignancy is highty influcneed with; drug and alcohol usage among the teens, lack of good educatioy pareotal giddance, high age difference for those in relationships, sexual abuse, dating violence, the envuranment the teen was trought up in, and traditions that result into early marriages. Firsily, ofrom and alcohol usage amoung the teens which is mostly as a result of peer influenice from other teenagers or adul Alcahol and drugs influence teenagers to indulge in unplanned sexual activities and other risky delngp ime unprotected sex and this evertually results in teenage pregnancies Increased drug and alcohol usage ans the theres has rewulted in a major increase in the rate of then pregnancy. The rate of pregnancy amony th who use drugs and alcolual is higher than the who don't use drugs or alcohol Questions Read the case study before you answer the questions, Look at the mark allocation for each question guide you as to how much you should write. One mark is given for each statement the question requ unless indicated differently. 1 How old must be a person be to be considercd a teenager? 2 Mention 2 ways in which teenage pregnancy can be prevented 3. Why do many teenagers give birth to pre-mature babies? 4 How does teenage pregnancy alfect the girl academicalty? 5. What are the consequences of not getting good education because of teenage pregrancy? (2) 6. How does drug and alcohol use or abuse alfect teenage pregnancy? (2) 7 What may be at least 3 reasons why girls to enter relationships with older men B. Give the health officials advice on what to include in pregnancy prevention proprammes that targeted at the youth. 9 Explain five unwanted results of unhealthy sexual behaviour are.
South Africa Feb 21, 2025
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Social Science Insights: From Culture to Politics and Beyond

What is Social Science?

Social science is the academic discipline focused on studying human behavior, societies, and the interactions between individuals, communities, and their environments. It encompasses various fields that explore how societies function, develop, and change, aiming to understand key issues such as economic growth, social inequalities, and the dynamics of political power. Social science plays a crucial role in shaping policies and solutions that contribute to improving the well-being of individuals and societies globally.

What Fields are Under Social Science?

Social science includes a broad spectrum of disciplines, each focusing on different aspects of human life and society. Key fields under social science include:

Anthropology – The study of human societies and cultures.

Economics – Examines how goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed.

Political Science – Focuses on government structures, political behavior, and policy-making.

Psychology – Studies the human mind and behavior.

Sociology – Investigates social groups and the functioning of societies.

Human Geography – Explores the relationship between human activity and the physical environment.

Education – Analyzes how individuals learn and the educational processes.

Linguistics – Studies language and communication.

Social Policy – Looks at responses to social needs and issues like public health and welfare.

Social Work – Focuses on social change and improving the quality of life for individuals and communities.

How Can UpStudy Social Science Homework Bank Help You?

Designed to help students by offering thorough materials, professional advice, and methodical solutions covering all spheres of social science, UpStudy Social Science Homework Bank offers Our Homework Bank provides a plethora of information to streamline your study whether your focus is on political systems, challenging economic ideas, or social behavior. UpStudy guarantees a better knowledge of social science ideas by means of simple explanations, varied examples, and customized content, therefore enabling students to properly negotiate their assignments. Your first choice for confidently learning social science subjects and improving academic achievement.
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