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Scenario: A pot of soup is taken off a hot stove and allowed to cool. Consider the temperature as a function of time since the soup was taken off the stove. Determine a reasonable domain and explain it in complete sentences.

Ask by Bird Mann. in the United States
Feb 22,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


A reasonable domain is all numbers starting from 0 and going on forever, written as [0, ∞). This means we measure time from when the soup is taken off the stove and continue tracking as it cools over time. We don't use negative numbers because time can't go backward in this situation.


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Answered by UpStudy AI and reviewed by a Professional Tutor

The Deep Dive

The reasonable domain for the temperature of the soup can be defined as the interval from time zero, when the soup is first removed from the stove, to a point where the soup reaches room temperature or has cooled down sufficiently for consumption. Typically, this might last from 0 to about 60 minutes, depending on factors like the initial temperature of the soup, the size of the pot, and the surrounding environment. Beyond that point, the temperature may stabilize, rendering the specific cooling function less relevant for practical purposes. In a real kitchen scenario, knowing the domain also helps in planning meal preparation. For example, if you want to serve the soup at an optimal temperature, understanding how quickly it cools will inform when to start prepping the next dish or setting the table. Being aware of the timings can lead to a more enjoyable dining experience!

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