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21 Define the term democratic participation and indicate thyy \( t \) is important for citizens to be consuted when laws are made. (2) 22 State reasons why citizens of a country should takes pat in elections, as a civic duty. (4) 23 Indicate the importance of lobbying government when services are not rendered as promised 12 2.4 Clanify why citizens should ensure that government is atriays held accountable for its service delivery function. 2.5 Explain why the principle of rule of law must atvays be upheid in a democratic society.

Ask by Bowers Turnbull. in South Africa
Feb 26,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


21. Democratic participation means citizens actively take part in making decisions, like laws. It's important to consult citizens when making laws because it ensures laws reflect everyone's needs and makes them more fair and accepted. 22. Citizens should vote in elections because it's their duty to choose leaders who represent them, keep leaders accountable, and help maintain a stable and informed society. 23. Lobbying the government when services aren't provided as promised helps citizens voice their concerns and push for better service delivery. 2.4. Citizens should hold the government accountable for its services to ensure leaders use resources wisely, prevent corruption, and maintain public trust. 2.5. The rule of law must always be upheld in a democracy to ensure everyone follows the same laws, protect citizens' rights, promote fairness, and maintain social order.


Below are sample answers for each question: ────────────────────────────── 21. Democratic participation refers to the active involvement of citizens in decision-making processes, including debates and consultations on policies and laws. It is important for citizens to be consulted when laws are made because such inclusion helps ensure that the laws reflect the diverse interests and needs of the community, thereby increasing legitimacy, transparency, and public support for those laws.  [2 marks] ────────────────────────────── 22. Citizens should take part in elections as a civic duty for several reasons:  • It is a fundamental right that allows individuals to voice their opinions and preferences regarding how the country is run.  • Voting helps choose leaders who will represent their interests and address community issues.  • Participation in elections strengthens democratic governance by keeping leaders accountable.  • Frequent electoral involvement promotes political stability and fosters an engaged and informed society.   [4 marks] ────────────────────────────── 23. Lobbying the government when promised services are not rendered is important because:  • It provides a structured way for citizens to raise concerns and seek redress.  • Through lobbying, citizens can urge the government to improve service delivery and meet its commitments.  • This process can lead to policy review or corrective actions when government performance falls short.   [Marks depend on answer depth, typically 2 marks] ────────────────────────────── 2.4. Citizens should ensure that the government is always held accountable for its service delivery functions because:  • Accountability motivates the government to use resources efficiently and transparently.  • It helps prevent corruption and mismanagement of public funds.  • When services are delivered effectively, citizens’ rights and well-being are protected.  • An accountable government can quickly address and rectify shortcomings, maintaining public trust.   [Typically 2 marks] ────────────────────────────── 2.5. The principle of the rule of law must always be upheld in a democratic society because:  • It ensures that all individuals, including those in power, are subject to the same legal standards.  • Upholding the rule of law protects citizens’ rights and liberties by preventing arbitrary decision-making.  • It promotes fairness and justice, thereby enhancing public confidence in government institutions.  • A strong rule of law framework is essential for political stability and social order.   [Typically 2 marks] ────────────────────────────── Each answer is succinctly designed to cover the key ideas required for the marks available.

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Democratic participation refers to the active engagement of citizens in the decision-making processes of their government, especially regarding laws and policies that affect their lives. It's crucial for citizens to be consulted when laws are made because it ensures that their voices are heard, fostering a sense of ownership and trust in the governance process. This engagement not only strengthens democracy but also makes laws more representative and effective, as they reflect the needs and values of the populace. Participating in elections is a fundamental civic duty because it empowers citizens to influence the direction of their government and policies. Furthermore, when citizens vote, they contribute to the accountability of elected officials, ensuring that they fulfill their promises. Additionally, participation in elections helps to enhance the legitimacy of the governing body, making it more responsive to the people's needs and fostering a more engaged and informed citizenry. Ultimately, every vote counts in shaping the future of a nation!

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