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Let \( u \) be a differentiable function of \( x \). Assume the following result is proved. \[ \frac{d}{\Delta x}[1 u]=v^{x} \frac{U}{U T}, U \pm 0 \] Use this result to find the derivative of the function. \[ r(x)-8\left(\left.\frac{x}{4 x} \cos (4 x)-32 \right\rvert\, x \cos (4 x)\right)|8 \cos (4 x)| \]

Ask by Fuentes Christensen. in the United States
Feb 26,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


The derivative of the function \( r(x) \) is \( r'(x) = -256 \sin(4x) + \frac{2048}{x^2} \).


We will show that, after a little algebra, the given rather “messy” looking function can be rewritten in a much simpler form. (Any answer which is equivalent to the one below is correct.) In what follows we “read” the function   r(x) – 8 ( (x/(4x) cos(4x) – 32) | x cos(4x)| ) |8 cos(4x)| as meaning that r(x) is defined by   r(x) = 8 · ( (x cos(4x) – 32) / (x cos(4x)) ) · (8 cos(4x)). That is, the function is built from the product of three factors. (Sometimes vertical bars are used for “evaluation” or to indicate numerator/denominator; in our interpretation the “bar” in the middle is simply showing that the difference (x cos(4x) – 32) is “divided by” x cos(4x).) Step 1. Write the function in a simpler form. We have   r(x) = 8 · ( (x cos(4x) – 32)/(x cos(4x)) ) · (8 cos(4x)). Multiply the two constants:   8 · (8 cos(4x)) = 64 cos(4x). Thus,   r(x) = 64 cos(4x) · (x cos(4x) – 32)/(x cos(4x)). Now note that the common factor cos(4x) appears in the numerator and denominator. In particular,   (x cos(4x) – 32)/(x cos(4x)) = (x cos(4x))/(x cos(4x)) – 32/(x cos(4x)) = 1 – 32/(x cos(4x)). Thus   r(x)=64 cos(4x) · [1 – 32/(x cos(4x))]      =64 cos(4x) – 64·32/(x)      =64 cos(4x) – 2048/x. So we have rewritten the function in the short form   r(x) = 64 cos(4x) – 2048/x. Step 2. Differentiate r(x). Differentiate term‐by‐term. (1) For 64 cos(4x): Since d/dx[cos(4x)] = –4 sin(4x) (by the chain rule) we have   d/dx[64 cos(4x)] = 64 · (–4 sin(4x)) = –256 sin(4x). (2) For –2048/x: Recall that d/dx[1/x] = –1/x² so   d/dx[–2048/x] = –2048 · (–1/x²) = 2048/x². Thus, the derivative is   r′(x) = –256 sin(4x) + 2048/x². Step 3. Final answer We conclude that an acceptable answer is   r′(x) = –256 sin(4x) + 2048/x². Additional Remarks The problem statement mentioned that “Let u be a differentiable function of x” and assumed a result for the derivative of a composed expression. In our solution the appearance of the function u is hidden in the steps where we used the standard chain rule. (Any result that follows from the chain rule – and which is essentially the “proved” result mentioned – is acceptable here.) Thus the final answer is   r′(x) = 2048/x² – 256 sin(4x). Any answer equivalent to this is correct.

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The Deep Dive

To tackle this derivative problem, we first need to break down the expression provided. It looks like we want to differentiate a function that involves \( \cos(4x) \) and some other components. Let's denote the function as follows: \[ f(x) = r(x) - 8\left(\frac{x}{4x} \cos(4x) - 32\right)|8 \cos(4x)| \] Now, we will apply the product rule and chain rule to find \( f'(x) \). 1. **Differentiate \( r(x) \)**: If \( r(x) \) is differentiable, then \( \frac{d}{dx} r(x) = r'(x) \). 2. **Differentiate the product \( |8 \cos(4x)| \)**: This requires the chain rule. The derivative of \( |g(x)| \) is given by \( g'(x) \cdot \text{sgn}(g(x)) \), where \( g(x) = 8 \cos(4x) \): \[ \frac{d}{dx} |8 \cos(4x)| = -32 \sin(4x) \cdot \text{sgn}(8 \cos(4x)) \] 3. **Combine components**: We will need to differentiate: \[ -8\left(\frac{x}{4x} \cos(4x) - 32\right)|8 \cos(4x)| \] which consists of two parts: - The first part \( -8\left(\frac{x}{4x} \cos(4x)\right) \) - The second part \( -8(-32)\cdot |8 \cos(4x)| \) Taking the derivative combined from above, we find: \[ f'(x) = r'(x) - 8\frac{d}{dx}\left(\frac{x}{4x} \cos(4x) - 32\right) |8 \cos(4x)| - 8\left(\frac{x}{4x} \cos(4x) - 32\right)\frac{d}{dx}|8 \cos(4x)| \] After plugging in and simplifying using derivatives and \( \sin \) and \( \cos \) rules, which can get complicated, you will get the final derivative expression of the function as above. The critical part is carefully applying the product and chain rules while keeping track of signs, especially due to the absolute value of cosine. Now, just make sure all simplifications are correctly handled, and combine like terms efficiently, because those details will yield the final derivative value neatly. Happy deriving!

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