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Look at Map 1 . a) What do you see in Map 1 that marks the place where Timbuktu is situated? b) What is the man on the throne holding in his hand? c) What does this tell us about what Mali had that other countries wanted? d) Why is there a picture of a man on a camel and tents drawn on Map 1 ? e) What do you think the wall above the men is a symbol of? f) The small buildings on the map are mosques. What does this tell us about West Africa? What impression does the drawing in Picture 1 give us of Timbuktu? Look at Map 2 . a) Name three things in Map 2 that support what we see in Map 1 . b) Look at Map 2 and write down what Timbuktu imported from the north. c) Write down the name of the main town that this mineral came from. d) Why do you think journeys to Timbuktu from North Africa and the Middle East took a long time? e) Across which sea would traders have to travel to reach Europe? a) What is the most interesting thing you have learnt from these two pages about Timbuktu? Write down a sentence to give your answer. b) Share your answers with your class.

Ask by Goodwin Williams. in South Africa
Feb 19,2025

Upstudy AI Solution

Tutor-Verified Answer


**Map 1 Analysis:** - **a)** Timbuktu is marked by a symbol like a star or dot. - **b)** The man on the throne holds a scepter or symbol of power. - **c)** This shows Mali was wealthy and influential, with valuable goods like gold and salt. - **d)** The man on a camel and tents represent trade routes and nomadic traders. - **e)** The wall likely symbolizes protection and security. - **f)** The mosques indicate the importance of Islam in West Africa. **Impression of Timbuktu:** It appears as a prosperous and secure trading center. **Map 2 Analysis:** - **a)** Three things supporting Map 1 include trade routes, symbols of wealth, and depictions of caravans. - **b)** Timbuktu imported salt, textiles, and other luxury items from the north. - **c)** The main salt-producing town is Taghaza. - **d)** Journeys were long due to desert conditions and slow caravan travel. - **e)** Traders crossed the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe. **Most Interesting Learning Point:** Timbuktu was a significant cultural, religious, and trading hub in the Mali Empire. **Class Discussion:** Share your insights with classmates to discuss Timbuktu's importance.


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The Deep Dive

Timbuktu, once a vibrant center of trade and culture, thrived due to its strategic location near the crossroads of the trans-Saharan trade routes. This city became known for its connection to the wealth generated from gold, salt, and other significant goods, making it a coveted destination for merchants from across the globe! The image of the man on a throne represents the powerful leaders of the Mali Empire who held immense riches and authority. Such symbolism indicates that Mali was a land of wealth and resources, often sought after by neighboring regions and traders looking to establish lucrative connections and capitalize on its bountiful trade offerings!

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