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Sp Prime and Composite Numbers Level 1 If you need help. Lee Student's Beok pages 2104 a \( 25=1 \times 25 \) \[ =\ldots \] \( \qquad \) The factors of 25 are \( \qquad \) 25 is a \( \qquad \) 25 has \( \qquad \) factors. b \( 31= \) \( \qquad \) \( \times \) \( \qquad \) The factors of 31 ore \( \qquad \) 31 is a \( \qquad \) number. 31 has \( \qquad \) factors. c What is the same and what is different between the numbers 25 and 31 ? \( \qquad \) \( \qquad \)

Ask by Erickson Warren. in Malaysia
Feb 17,2025

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Tutor-Verified Answer


a) 25 = 1 × 25 Factors: 1, 5, 25 25 is a composite number with 3 factors. b) 31 = 1 × 31 Factors: 1, 31 31 is a prime number with 2 factors. c) Both 25 and 31 have 1 and themselves as factors. However, 25 is composite with additional factors (5), while 31 is prime with only two factors. Additionally, 25 is a perfect square (5²), whereas 31 is not.


Below is one way to complete and explain the problem: ────────────────────────────── a) For 25: • Write a multiplication fact: 25 = 1 × 25   (You could also note that 25 = 5 × 5, which shows another factor.) • List the factors: The factors of 25 are 1, 5, and 25.   (Remember: Although 5 × 5 = 25 only gives one unique factor of 5, we list it only once.) • Describe the number: 25 is a composite number (because it has factors other than just 1 and itself). • Count the factors: 25 has 3 factors. ────────────────────────────── b) For 31: • Write a multiplication fact: 31 = 1 × 31 • List the factors: The factors of 31 are 1 and 31. • Describe the number: 31 is a prime number (because its only positive factors are 1 and itself). • Count the factors: 31 has 2 factors. ────────────────────────────── c) Comparison between 25 and 31: • What they have in common:   – Both numbers have 1 and the number itself as factors.   – They are positive integers. • What is different:   – 25 has an extra factor (5) besides 1 and itself, so it is composite.   – 31, having only the factors 1 and 31, is a prime number.   – Additionally, 25 is a perfect square (5²) while 31 is not. ────────────────────────────── This setup shows the key differences between composite and prime numbers using 25 and 31 as examples.

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Beyond the Answer

Did you know that prime and composite numbers have been studied for thousands of years? Ancient Greek mathematicians like Euclid made significant contributions to the understanding of these concepts. They defined prime numbers as those greater than 1 that cannot be formed by multiplying two smaller natural numbers, while composite numbers can be broken down into smaller whole number factors. This groundwork laid the foundation for modern number theory! In real-world scenarios, prime numbers play a crucial role in cryptography. For instance, the security of online banking relies on the fact that it's incredibly difficult to factor large prime numbers. When you send your payment info over the internet, algorithms use these prime numbers to secure your data, making it nearly impossible for hackers to decrypt it without the right key. So, next time you shop online, remember that prime numbers are working hard behind the scenes!

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