Geography Questions from Feb 16,2025

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El cinturón de fuego delpacifico esla zon con más actividad sismica y voloanica planeta. La actividad sísmica se produe cuando una placa tectónica choca coni otra produciendo el hundimiento do de las dos, también se conoce co proceso de subducción. Según el me un sismo en Chile podria producirse el choque de las siguientes placas A. Cocos y Caribe B. Indo-australiana y del Pacifico C. Antártica y Nazca D. Nazca y Sudamericana Mount Kosciuszko \( =2230 \mathrm{~m} \) Mount Everest \( =8840 \mathrm{~m} \) 2.1.1. Which place is the lowest? 1. Match each statement below with the Hadley/uopical, Ferrelimid-latitude or polar cell. 1.1 Convergence of surface air causes uplift along the equator. 1.2 Occurs between \( 60^{\circ}-90^{\circ} \mathrm{N} \) of the equator. 1.3 Air in the upper atmosphere is heated as it moves towards the equator. 1.4 This is a heat-generated cell of circulation. 1.5 Develops on the northern side of the polar front. 2. Explain why the Hadley cell is referred to as a heat generated cell 3. Which one of these cells has the greatest influence on South Alrica's climate? Give a reason for your answer Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. a. Lines of latitude and longitude can be divided into degrees and minciteg b. The latitude and longitude coordinates of place names appear in alphabetical ordel the at the end of an atlas. c. A small scale map shows a d. The three kinds of scale are word scale, line scale, and e. Earth can be divided into f. December 21 st is the date of the summer Write the correct word that describes each of the following ideas or objects. a. The imaginary line between the north and south poles around which Earth rotates b. One of the 24 divisions of Earth's surface which have the same time c. A way of accurately representing objects smaller than their real size d. The line of longitude opposite the Greenwich Meridian where times change by one e. When the length of day and night is the same number of hours f. Images produced by data sent to Earth from space Aerial photograph, orthophoto map and topographic map of Hermanus, Western Cape 30 minng Study Figures 1.36-1.38. Questions 1 to 4 refer to the orthophoto map in Figure 1.36. 1. The scale of the orthophoto map is \( 1: 10000 \). What is the difference in altitude between spot heights \( A \) and \( B \) ? 2. What is the distance between spot heights \( A \) and \( B \) ? 0 3. The land use at \( B \) is: a) industrial, b) recreation. c) residential, d) commercial? (T) 4. The land use at \( C \) is; a) industrial, b) recreation, c) residential, d) commercial? Questions 5 to 8 refer to the aerial photograph (Figure 1.37) and topographic map (Figure 1.38) on page 19. The area covered by the aerial photograph is marked in red on the topographic map. 5. The topographic map is drawn at a scale larger than the aerial photograph. True or false? 6. The feature marked 1 (E4) on the topographic (i) (t) map is: a) a lighthouse, b) a marine beacon. c) a magnetic observatory? (1) 7. The land use at 2 (B5) is forestry. True or false? If it is false, give the correct answer. (I) 8. Locate the area outlined in red on the aerial ous area photograph and marked \( Z \). Nition Nives a) What is the name of this area? (I) b) State reasons why this area is a low-cost residential area. (2) 9. Study both the orthophoto map and the topographic map. The area occupied by the 3. a) Suggest one advantage of a vertical photograph. b) Suggest one disadvantage of a vertical photograph. c) Discuss three advantages an othophoto has over a topographic map. 4. Define each of the following terms in a full sentence. a) spur b) vertical aerial photograph c) aiphanumeric grid d) ratio scale e) natural features on a map. QUESTION 3: MAP SKILLS 3.1. Refer to the map of Harrismith and answer the following questions: 3.1.1. Identiry THREE constructed features and natural features from the map of Harrismith 3.1.2. Briefly explain THREE points how a topographic map is different from an orthophoto map 3.1.3. Provide coordinates for a water purnp in block D7 3.1.4. Convert the ratio scale of \( 1: 50 \) 000 into a word scale 3.1.5. Calculate the distance on the ground between spot height 1622 in block C1 and spot height 1602 in block D1 1. Look at Photograph A. Write down the name of the river basin where K2, Schroda and Mapungubwe were situated. 2. Look at Map A. Write down the name of the ocean that was crossed to carry goods to and from the east coast of Africa. 3. Look at Map A. What type of ship was used to travel across the ocean?
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