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English Questions & Answers

16. Some domestic dogs are dangerous because they have urge to bite when their territory is threatened. A. an impaired B. an instinctive C. a phenomenal D. an intimidating 17. It's one thing to visit China as a tourist, but living there would be another thing ..... A. altogether B. rather C. regardless D. outright 18. While I feel fairly relaxed about taking exams, there are some students that really .... them. A. derive B. arouse C. dread D. suppress 19. Instead of making any ..... decisions regarding her career, Emma thought things over carefully. A. outdated B. innate C. compulsive D. impulsive 20. The country's education system is outdated and therefore needs to be .... restructured. A. exclusively B. truly C. radically D. hugely D.
11. The research team was able to ...... that bilingualism can enhance cognitive skills. A. manifest B. establish C. attribute D. strengthen 12. At the moment, we can only ...... as to why the president canceled the meeting with the foreign ambassador. A. initiate B. speculate C. enumerate D. illuminate 13. The judge will rule on the evidence in the case without any ...... from outside parties. A. interference B. alteration C. retrieval D. impairment 14. When questioned, the witness said she clearly....... seeing the suspect enter the bank. A. uttered B. memorized C. theorized D. recalled 15. Young mammals are ...... dependent on their parents for their survival. A. entirely B. immensely C. hotly D. exceptionally
दीपक आया और खेलने लगा।' वाक्य का सरल रूप निम्न विकल्पों से चुनें- जैसे ही दीपक आया वह खेलने लगा। दीपक आया और खेलने लगा। दीपक आकर खेलने लगा। दीपक आया और खेल कर चला लगा।
Complete the missing word in each sentence. 1 Please can you p__your school bag after breakfast? 2 l want to \( \mathrm{m} \quad \) a music video with my brother.
(7he Enlightenment emphasized ideas like reason, individual rights, and questioning authority. Think about your own life as a 10th-grade student at Benjamin E. Mays High School. How might these ideas relate to the challenges you face in school, your relationships with others, or your goals for the future? Can you think of a situation where using reason or standing up for your beliefs has been imnntant in vour lifa?"
Which situation describes two individuals who must have a different point of view about an issue? A. One employee makes a large salary, while another makes a small salary. B. One politician is elected to political office, while another is defeated. C. One citizen supports a war, while another joins a protest against it. D. One musician wins an award for a performance, while another does not.
What makes a source credible? A. Its accuracy can be corroborated. B. It appeals to people's emotions. C. It is written with an inconsistent tone. D. The author is a famous politician.
When working with sources, a writer can avoid plagiarism by: A. relying on sources that do not list an author for their contents. B. not citing sources that are too similar to his or her own ideas. C. paraphrasing ideas from the sources without copying their wording. D. not keeping records that could prove which sources he or she referenced.
In the 18 th century, an intellectual movernent called the Enlightenment started in Europe. The thinkers who made up this movement challenged many traditional European political beliefs. John Locke, for instance, argued that all people had natural rights that no leader could take away. He also suggested that citizens had the right to overthrow leaders who failed to protect their rights. Other Enlightenment thinkers called for freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and limits on governmental power. These ideas are central to many democratic governments today. Which statement best describes the passage's main idea? B. The Enlightenment introduced many political ideas that are still relevant today. C. Enlightenment thinkers foreed their governments to grant citizens freedom of speech. D. The Enlightenment started in Europe during the 18 th century.
Question 1 (Worth 2 points) (01.04 MC) Read and select the sentence that is logical. O La fenêtre est en dessous de l'évier. O L'évier est en dessous de la fenêtre. O L'évier est au fond de la fenêtre. O L'évier est au-dessus de la fenêtre. Points earned on this question: 0
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